Large sites

The Spreadsheet - Large sites

Large site In order to simulate a large site we need a larger spreadsheet - or do we? You can get a large 20 by 20 spreadsheet right here, but personally I think the layout gets impractical with such a large spreadsheet.

Fortunately there are other possibilities.

How to set-up the large site
How to set up the (semi)large site
Consider the site above. Normally we would set up the spreadsheet like shown to the right:

How to set-up the large site
Specify the number of links the "smart" way
But instead it might be easier to specify the number of links - like this:

12th iteration, the normal way
12th iteration (normal way)
12th iteration, the  "smart" way
12th iteration ("smart" way)
The two spreadsheets can be seen here and here.

There's just one little bitty snag: The two results are not the same. You can see the results for the normal way to the left - and the "smart" way to the right.

The reason for the difference is that the "smart" set-up only has 6 pages - so the total PageRank for the site is lower.

Specify inbound PageRank
Specify inbound PageRank
But suppose we're not interested in calculating the absolute PageRank, but only want to see how PageRank moves around in the site. In that case we can specify some inbound PageRank, so that the 4 missing pages matter less.

12th iteration, with extra PageRank
12th iteration with extra PageRank
12th iteration, the  "smart" way
12th iteration ("smart" way)

This time the two results are almost identical. The two spreadsheets can be seen here and here.

Another large site One more example. The site to the left can be specified even simpler - as shown on the picture below

How to set-up another large site
How to set up another (semi)large site
This time we specify 6 links between the sub-pages (2 times 3).